Saturday, September 4, 2010

Avoiding spoilers

Remember the days before the internet? If you were stuck in a game, tough luck. Your only choices were: buy the guide (if there was one) or try and try and do more trying. Now if you get stuck, you just Google for a walkthrough and problem solved.

Another aspect of the gaming experience the internet has changed a lot is the surprise elements in a game's story. I decided to write this (my first blog post, ever! :D) because of the recently-released Metroid: Other M. As you probably know, this game focuses on story a lot more than previous entries in the series. That's why I want to avoid all spoilers on the game. I'm really trying, but some things have already been spoiled for me because of reckless posters or commenters, and even because of some spoiler-filled reviews.

For example, I now know:


- There is a chicken thing (Mystery Creature) that turns into the hairy dragon in the trailers, who later turns into Ridley.
- Samus has a breakdown when she sees Ridley. (Not weird if you read the Metroid manga, it said Samus has PTSD).
- Anthony Higgs "dies", but he's not dead.
- There's something about a "Deleter".
- There's a Queen Metroid in the game.
- There's a Bioweapon Research place.


That's quite a load of spoilers for me there. I obviously still want to play the game, but I think some things lose their sense when you already knwo what's gonna happen. I'll know when I buy the game (games come a few days or a couple of weeks later here).

So, what's you opinion on game spoilers on the internet? Impossible to avoid? Not really that important? Please tell me in the comments.

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